Frequently Asked Questions

Buc-ee’s in not a truck stop.  More than 90% of Buc-ee’s customers are families on a road-trip and coming directly from the interstate.  This location is on a stretch of I-25 that is directly adjacent to the interchange, has 80,000 personal cars driving by every day, and is commercially zoned.

Buc-ee’s approached the Town as the best fit for both parties in terms of availability of utilities, willingness to consider the project on its merits, and the opportunity for both parties to receive the most benefit from the project.

The land is currently within El Paso County’s jurisdiction.  Its current zoning designation allows “by right” most commercial/industrial uses such as: bar, shopping center, rehab facility, convenience store, auto repair facility, sexually oriented business, and many more.  Annexation of the property into Palmer Lake will allow the Town to have specific control over how the property gets developed and protect it from other less desirable uses.

Palmer Lake is certainly an independent and unique community; that will not change.  Buc-ee’s is located on Interstate 25, more than 2.5 miles from the heart of the Town.

Buc-ee’s has completed an extensive Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) subject to review and approval by CDOT, El Paso County, and Palmer Lake.  All traffic improvement plans required by the final TIA will be subject to review, revision, and approval by each of these jurisdictions.  While the overpass is adequately sized for expansion, Buc-ee’s will improve/lengthen/widen the I-25 ramps in both directions and also complete major improvements along County Line Road and Beacon Lite Road.  El Paso County is already in the process of improving Beacon Lite Road; Buc-ee’s will coordinate their work with the County to make this roadway section even more efficient.

There is a similarly sized and zoned tract of property on the east side of I-25.  Beyond that, the homes located in the various neighborhoods east of 25 and south of County Line Road will have a limited, if any, view of the Buc-ee’s project.

There is no doubt that traffic activity between I-25 and the project access points along County Line and Beacon Lite roads will increase significantly.  This tract, with its close proximity to the freeway, commercial zoning, and designation as an intense commercial node in all jurisdictional future land-use plans, has been destined to eventually become a fully developed commercial site.

Internal combustion remains the overwhelming vehicle type for the traveling public.  Less than 5% of all cars on US roads today are plug-in fully electric.  Buc-ee’s is agnostic to the sources of fuel it offers; the customer experience is inside the store.  Buc-ee’s is well positioned to convert its existing operations, including the Palmer Lake project, into majority EV as demand requires.

Buc-ee’s has purposefully earned the distinction of being an overwhelmingly safe place to stop at any given hour of any given day.  Buc-ee’s projects are well lighted and under continuous surveillance inside and out.  Operationally, Buc-ee’s requires certain light levels at all times.  Having said that, Buc-ee’s is respectful of the night sky.  The lighting design utilizes fixtures that are fully shielded, 100% cut-off, and downward directed.  Pole heights are kept as low as practical while maintaining safe coverage.  The majority of light lumen output is under the fuel canopies.  Most importantly for the Palmer Lake location, Buc-ee’s will use LED bulbs of reduced temperature (3000K vs 5000K) to minimize ‘short’ wavelength light, greatly reducing reflective glow.

Buc-ee’s is not a travel plaza or truck stop and prohibits access to 18-wheelers and commercial tractor trailers.  Buc-ee’s customer base is the family on a road trip adventure, so the premises, inside and out, is constantly monitored for any unwanted or suspicious activities and proactively policed at all times.  Buc-ee’s has an extremely low rate of “calls for service” compared to any retail/commercial activity of its category, size and/or volume.

The Town is not going to spend a nickel of its own money on any improvements required by the Buc-ee’s project.  To the contrary, Buc-ee’s is proposing to invest an un-precedented amount of capital in Palmer Lake toward the expansion and improvement of the Town’s water system and will contribute significantly to the Town’s annual operating budget for many years to come.

Buc-ee’s has historically and consistently proven to provide major positive economic impacts to its community partners.  Because of its relatively small size, Palmer Lake can expect “game-changing” increases in sales tax revenue, property tax revenue, and utility/public service fee revenue. The Town has commissioned an independent fiscal impact evaluation to clearly ascertain the benefits (and costs) of having Buc-ee’s as a community partner.  Upon completion, the report will be available as part of the annexation documentation.

Buc-ee’s success lies wholly in its store team and their incomparable efforts to provide a great experience to every visitor, every day.  That’s not an easy task, so Buc-ee’s prides itself on offering a wage scale that is significantly higher than typical retail levels anywhere.  A starting (entry level) position will earn anywhere from $17 to $20 per hour.  The store will employ, FULL TIME, over 200 individuals and offer health benefits, 401K participation, and 3 weeks paid time off.  In addition to primary earners receiving meaningful wages, typical Buc-ee’s employees are often college kids, retired folks, and military spouses.  Buc-ee’s creates careers.